IGNITE Hybrid Homeschool IGNITE Hybrid Homeschool

Joanna Drechsel To All Instructors

Joanna and her husband have lived in Western North Carolina since 2017. They moved here from New Jersey with their three children. She enjoys gardening, spending time with friends and being actively involved in the local homeschool community. 


Joanna has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology from Richard Stockton College of NJ (Now, Stockton University). She started her career in the environmental field, working for a company that conducted remediation of oil spills/leaks. After her second child was born, her prayers were answered and she was able to be home full time. She was fortunate to have many homeschooling families within her church to introduce her to this amazing option. She has been homeschooling her children from the very beginning since 2014. 


Joanna currently serves on the board of our local homeschool co-op, Henderson County Homeschool Association (HCHA). There, she oversees activities and the care team. She also teaches enrichment classes through HCHA in the fall and spring. Her teaching style is hands-on! She always looks for opportunities to engage the students through projects, activities and fun hands-on learning.

Current Classes
Elementary History: American History – (closed)
Elementary Mammals and Reptiles – (closed)
Middle School Zoology: Mammals/Reptiles – (closed)